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Compassion Is Cool

//Moxie The Label proudly contributes a portion of sales to Child Mind Institute//
We think compassion is pretty cool and are determined to stand by our values. So we've built into our business model a way to contribute to causes that make an impact. A portion of every purchase is contributed to Child Mind Institute so you can be assured that you are purchasing with purpose.
Anxiety, depression, ADHD and other mental health and learning disorders are real, common and treatable. Yet millions of children go undiagnosed and untreated.
The Child Mind Institute is working to change this. A portion of the proceeds from items purchased through Moxie The Label go to the Child Mind Institute to help more children get access to early diagnosis and treatment, and to fund researchers who are working to better understand and treat children struggling with mental health and learning disorders. Together, with our donations and with open conversation about these disorders, we can help children get the support and opportunities they deserve.


//The Facts//

  • 17.1 million young people in the U.S. alone have a diagnosable mental health disorder
  • 1 in 5 children struggle with a mental health or learning disorder
    • Two-thirds go undiagnosed and untreated
  • 75% of mental illness begins before age 24, making it especially important to reach children and their parents with badly needed resources
  • Over 5,000 US adolescents die by suicide every year. 90% of these adolescents have a mental health or learning disorder.


//Get Involved//